Posts (Page 12)

A Musical Chairs Holiday Concert and Carol Sing-a-Long

Our December Community Concert Series features an evening of songs for the season with, “A Musical Chairs Holiday Concert and Carols Sing-A-Long”, Saturday, December 9 at 7 p.m. This concert is being done by a modular musical group – a circle of musician friends who configure and reconfigure while presenting a wide range of holiday music. Serious and silly, secular and sacred, sing-alongs and solos… maybe even a carol with the pipe organ. This preparation for the season will be lots and…

Thank You to All Who Enjoyed the PPUMC Bazaar & Art Fair on Saturday, November 4, at PPUMC

Our Bazaar & Art Fair is the place to start AND finish your holiday shopping. It happens on the first Saturday in November every year from 9 am – 3 pm. The Bazaar features wonderful baked goods, jams, jellies, and other goodies from the PPUMC Ovens. You are likely to find a gently-used treasure in the Twice Nice rummage sale area, and get your hands on some fabulous craft items in the Boutique. Shopping is hard work, so be sure…

Bishop Ough: Praying for Las Vegas

Bishop Ough: Praying for Las Vegas Bishop Bruce R. Ough October 05, 2017 The shocking news of the deadliest mass shooting in our nation’s history has left us struggling to understand and express the depth of our emotions. We are overwhelmed by feelings of disbelief, fear, anger, powerlessness, and grief. We long for God to come close and grace our lives, the Las Vegas community, and our nation with God’s healing and comforting presence. Our natural response is to turn…

MN Annual Conference: 5 ways you can respond to Hurricane Harvey

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) is currently working with disaster coordinators and early response teams to provide relief to the many people whose lives have been impacted by hurricane/tropical storm Harvey. Many churches and individuals have been asking how they can help. Click the link below to read 5 great suggestions:

Bishop Ough Issues Statement of Charlottesville

Dakotas-Minnesota Area Bishop Bruce R. Ough, in his role as president of the United Methodist Council of Bishops, issued the following statement about last weekend’s events in Charlottesville, Virginia:

Postcards from the Road

This summer, the Care, Communication, and Worship Teams have teamed up to bring you… drum roll please… Postcards from the Road! Over the course of the summer we hope that you will send postcards to the congregation (addressed to PPUMC/22 Orlin Av SE, Minneapolis, 55414). You can send them from across town, across the country, or across the planet. You can ask a friend to send one from East Timbuktu! They need not say anything more than, “Hello from here!”…

Community Concert Series: Calliope

Calliope Women’s Chorus performs “The Bonds Between Us”, a concert to celebrate our connections and benefit the Minnesota Council of Churches Refugee Services, at Prospect Park United Methodist Church on Saturday, May 13 at 7 pm. Admission is free, with donations accepted–100% will go to Minnesota Council of Churches Refugee Services. Minnesota Council of Churches Refugee Services works to ensure that the experience of resettling in MN is full of welcome and hope for refugees. MCC Refugee Services has expertise…

PPUMC at the St. Paul March for Science!

People gather in St. Paul, MN for the March for Science, April 22, 2017. Photo courtesy of Cathy Velasquez Eberhart. Members of the PPUMC congregation marched among thousands in St. Paul this weekend. Our very own Mike Hvidsten was quoted in a recent article about the march on the Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) News website: “Mike Hvidsten of St. Paul teaches college math and said he relies on research grants from the National Science Foundation. He said he marched to support ongoing…