'social justice' Tagged Posts
Discussing Racism: Our Field Trip to the Science Museum
On Saturday October 15, 11 of us went to the Science Museum of MN to see the exhibit “Race: Are We So Different?“ with the intention of continuing the discussions we began in 2020 around racial justice. We spent about 2 hours walking through the exhibit, where we learned about the science and history of race and listened to various perspectives on terms such as: virtue signaling, “colorblindness”, white fragility, and more. Hearing the varied perspectives from people of all races and ages proved to be insightful, and…
Project: Let’s Help (Afghan Refugees)
Over the past months, the PPUMC community has been incredibly generous in helping provide support to Afghan refugee families making their way to a new home in Minnesota. (See our previous post about this service project here.) As the re-settlement efforts continue throughout February, we will be collecting a variety of household items, specifically kitchen and cleaning/laundry supplies, as well as accepting monetary donations to be delivered to the Minnesota Council of Churches Refugee Services for final distribution. There are…
UMC Creation Justice Tips: Thank You, God!
Thank You, God!In the midst of the incessant onslaught of bad news, it’s time to give thanks for all that is good. Challenge family and friends to swap out a traditional meat-based dish for one from plants. In a four-person household, making the change just once a week is the equivalent of removing the emissions from driving a car for five weeks. You’ll have more to celebrate and be thankful for. Are you regularly in a queue to pick up…
May Community Concert Series supports Voices for Racial Justice
Twin Cities-based duo My Anchor Holds performs an original song, their reflection on the murder of George Floyd entitled, I Can’t Breathe.The benefitting social service organization is Voices for Racial Justice, committed to building power through collective cultural & healing strategies across Minnesota. To listen to this month’s song and make a donation, visit: https://www.prospectparkchurch.org/calendar-events/community-concert-series/

The State of Our Democracy is troubled… What’s our role in renewing the path to “A More Perfect Union?”
Harry C. Boyte, Senior Scholar in Public Work Philosophy and Co-founder, Institute for Public Life and Work at Augsburg University, speaks to this on Thursday, August 20 at 7pm via Zoom. See the below flier for more information:
What Does Nonviolence Mean to You? (Video)
This year, during our annual winter retreat, we continued our series on nonviolence with a community discussion about Dr. King’s Six Principles of Nonviolence. This video shows the answers to the question: “what does nonviolence mean to you?”