'Christmas' Tagged Posts
Welcoming the Advent Season
Advent is here, and we begin the Christian year anew with a season of waiting. As the days grow darker, we draw closer to the arrival of the Light that turns the world upside down—or right-side up! The journey toward and beyond the manger is one of reversing expectations, encountering what we thought we already knew in brand new ways, and receiving good news in unexpected places. So, with one foot in the prophets and another in the Gospels, we…
Holiday Service Projects Update
Holiday Service Projects for the Violence Free MN Women’s Shelter Thank you to everyone who contributed to our two holiday projects for the Violence Free MN women’s shelter. This Christmas 68 people (32 women and 36 children) spent the holidays living in a hotel since all the shelters in the state were full, and safe, affordable housing (especially for families) is hard to come by. To create some holiday cheer, PPUMC took on two projects. Our first project was creating…
Watch Now: Christmas Eve Service
We celebrate the incarnation of the Prince of Peace.
We open our arms with the whole of the earth in welcome and wonder.
There are candles, music, Jesus and his animal friends in the manger, Silent Night and more.
We encounter the characters of Christmas.
Watch Now: A Virtual Christmas Carol
Thank you to everyone who joined us this morning during worship to watch the world premiere of our production of A Christmas Carol! We had a stellar turnout. We are pleased to let you know that the full video, Fezziwig dancers and all, is now available on YouTube. Please share this video with your friends and family and spread the good tidings! We look forward to seeing you at our 4:00pm worship service on Christmas Eve, via Zoom. Details can be…
United Methodist Creation Justice Tips for Christmas
The holidays are wonderful in many ways, but they have an environmental cost. Americans throw away 25% more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. The waste from each of those weeks adds up to one million extra tons of discards going into landfills. These Tips can help you and your family enjoy the season and care for God’s good creation. With COVID more of us will be doing our Christmas shopping online. Turn your shopping green by exploring companies that…
December Pastor’s Corner + Advent Schedule
Dear Fellow Travelers, We are in the season of anticipation! The word alone can make a person jiggly. “Come on, come on, come on,” we wiggle, “Enough with the waiting. Let’s go!” There are many times we wait. We wait in line at the Post Office, for the results of tests; for supper. We wait for our turn to turn left, for the day we can simply high-five each other in person, in glee! We wait. Weary of it all,…

Happy Advent!
Today, we welcome in December, which means it’s the beginning of Advent! Our theme this year is “Light.” Join us for our Sunday Advent worship services (among other, non-Sunday services), over the next month to expand on that theme. All are welcome to attend. To see our full Advent & Christmas schedule, please visit the “Advent & Christmastide” page under the Calendar & Events drop-down menu at the top of the page. You may also click here to get there…

A Musical Chairs Holiday Concert and Carol Sing-a-Long
Our December Community Concert Series features an evening of songs for the season with, “A Musical Chairs Holiday Concert and Carols Sing-A-Long”, Saturday, December 9 at 7 p.m. This concert is being done by a modular musical group – a circle of musician friends who configure and reconfigure while presenting a wide range of holiday music. Serious and silly, secular and sacred, sing-alongs and solos… maybe even a carol with the pipe organ. This preparation for the season will be lots and…
Christmas Gatherings at PPUMC
Come celebrate the Christmas season at PPUMC! Whether it’s magical, larger than life puppets, singing carols and drinking cocoa, or singing “Silent Night” in candlelight, there are many ways to celebrate this glorious time of the year. Starting with… This Sunday, December 18th is our Multigenerational Christmas Pageant! Coffee & treats before (9:30) and after (11:00) – with a visit from Saint Nick! The stars tell the story of the birth of Jesus! Children, youth and adults together have created…