Sermons (Page 22)

Who Gets Shoes? Correction: “Lake Calhoun” is now named “Bde Maka Ska.” John 4:4-30, 39-42 ERV 4 On the way to Galilee, [Jesus] had to go through the country of Samaria. 5 He came to the town called Sychar, which is near the field that Jacob gave to his son Joseph. 6 Jacob’s well was there. Jesus was tired, so he sat down beside the well. It was about noon. 7 A Samaritan woman came to the well to get some water, and Jesus spoke to her, “Please…

Pono Like Jesus – John 3

Our worship together this Sunday is inspired, in part, by Pastor Chris and Dave’s recent vacation in Hawaii! The jet lag is passing and we thank the congregation sending us off and receiving us again with beautiful blessings. The reflection is titled “Pono Like Jesus – John 3.” The seed was a window decal featured on a sleek little, lime green SUV in a grocery store parking lot. And, as God would have it, one of the lectionary texts for this week – the 2nd week of the season of Lent – just happens to be John 3:1-17. Do you catch the God-wink? So, what does pono mean? What does a plumeria blossom lei smell like? Is paradise real? Does aloha mean hello or goodbye? And what does any of that have to do with LENT?!

Nonviolence – A Wellspring of Hope for a World in Flames

People remember nonviolence today wrongly. They believe it is pacifism —the refusal of violence in any circumstance. Even more widely they think it is a useful tactic, marches or sit-ins or civil disobedience without violence. Both are wrong as the essence of nonviolence, which is a transformative philosophy of everyday life. It involves spiritual, moral, and psychological disciplines that refuse to demonize opponents or reduce them to caricatures. It advances public love instead.