Sermons (Page 19)
SCRIPTURE: Luke 24:36-49Living Bible | The Message | Easy To Read | Common English Bible PROLOGUE: 35 [Later that same day, after rushing back to Jerusalem be with the disciples] the two from Emmaus told their story of how Jesus had appeared to them as they were walking along the road and how they had recognized him as he was breaking the bread.] 36 And just as they were telling about it, Jesus himself was suddenly standing there among them,…
What’s the Doubt About?
SCRIPTURE: John 20:19-31 Common English Bible 19 It was still the first day of the week.That evening, while the disciples were behind closed doors because they were afraid of the Jewish authorities, Jesus came and stood among them. He said, “Peace be with you.” 20 After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. When the disciples saw the Lord, they were filled with joy.21 Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As [my Abba…
Christ is Risen In Deed
SCRIPTURE: Mark 16:1-8 NIV 16:1 When the sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him. 16:2 And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb. 16:3 They had been saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance to the tomb?” 16:4 When they looked up, they saw…
Speaking of Peace: Leading with Love
Ann is the Care Services Coordinator for the ALS Association, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota chapter, a position she has held since 2008. Her seminary degree is from United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities; she also holds degrees in Palliative Care from the University of Maryland, Baltimore and in International Studies from Earlham College. She is Quaker, and yet has consented to “preach”! Welcome, Anne!! SCRIPTURE: John 15:13, Ephesians 4:1-6 John 15:13 CEB13 No one has greater love than…
Speaking, Rev. Emily Meyer, Executive Director of the Ministry Lab; Painting, Kinzie Weinhandl, age 14 The Ministry Lab cultivates vibrant church leaders and congregations by pooling wisdom and resources of the Minnesota Annual Conference United Methodist Church, Minnesota Conference United Church of Christ, Presbytery of the Twin Cities Area, The Synod of Lakes and Prairies (PCUSA), and United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities. SCRIPTURE: Psalm 23, King James Version; Isaiah 41:10 Psalm 23, King James Version23 The Lord is…
What is God’s Mission in Your Life?
Rev. Choi has recently been approved for commissioning as an elder by the Board of Ordained Ministry of the UMC. It has been wonderful to have your voice among us for a time, Rev. Blessings on your continued calling! SCRIPTURE: Romans 4:13-25, Mark 8:31-38, NRSV Romans 4:13-2513 The promise that he would inherit the world did not come to Abraham or to his descendants through the law but through the righteousness of faith. 14 If it is the adherents of…
We Are One in the Spirit
Sunday is the first Sunday of Lent, a season of lengthening light and preparation. We begin by reflecting on the baptism of Jesus by John in the Jordan. Indeed, this is a season of “repentance” or “returning” to center. What will we lay down and leave behind? What transformation lies ahead, just out of sight? Let’s be mindful, and consider these things in our hearts, minds and bodies. We are bundled into our homes in these dangerously cold weeks, still, the Base Camp of our church community is warm. Let’s gather and keep the gift of Sabbath. We’ll sing and pray; reflect, refuel, and refresh our sense of reverence.
Light Defeats Darkness
This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday, a dazzling experience! We consider the mountaintop moment that lights our portal into the season of Lent, and we welcome Rev. Hannah Choi to worship. Hannah reflects on this “radiant” passage, related in three of the four gospels, on the first of a series of Sundays that she will be with us. This is a rare opportunity to get to know Hannah in a time when new relationships are particularly precious. We are bundled into our homes in these dangerously cold weeks, still, the Base Camp of our church community is warm. Let’s gather and keep the gift of Sabbath together with one another. We’ll sing and pray; reflect, refuel, and refresh our sense of reverence.
Images of the Sanctuary
This final Sunday of Epiphany we attend to the wisdom contained in our own shared sanctuary. It holds symbol and sign; sacrament and spiritual history. We wonder, too, at how the sacred space expands to hold us – even as we cross distances and each inhabit our own, smaller, sanctuaries. Cassie Davies-Juhnke will deliver a sermon written by Elton Brown, long-time pastor of PPUMC, in 1986, while he was appointed here.
Antidote for an Anxious Heart: Joy
It is in turning to the Lord that we receive peace and can experience a subversive joy in times of trouble. Rejoicing in the Lord is an antidote for the anxious heart! This message by River Valley District Superindentent Rev. Cynthia Williams is for Advent and anytime throughout the year. It includes a scripture reading of Philippians 4:4-7. SCRIPTURE: Philippians 4:4-7 New International Version (& Complete Jewish Translation) 4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!…