Current guidelines for worshiping in the sanctuary:
- FIRST AND FOREMOST, we trust each individual to take responsibility for their impact on the community by monitoring their own health.
- Wearing masks in the church building is optional.
- We ask that everyone remain sensitive and alert to individual preferences as they approach one another. Please keep the distance you are asked to keep, whether in the sanctuary or social situations.
- We continue to offer live virtual worship via Zoom every Sunday.
Adult and child-sized masks are available inside church entrances.
Please discard or take masks with you after use.
Last updated March 14, 2024
Response Updates
July 31, 2024
The incidence of COVID infections has increased this summer so we are providing the CDC’s latest guidelines, which also apply to influenza and RSV. Thank you for following this guidance in our building as we care for ourselves and one another.
When you have a respiratory virus, which may present with fever, chills, fatigue, cough, runny nose, headache, or other symptoms:
- Stay home and away from others, including people you live with who are not sick.
You can go back to your normal activities when, for at least 24 hours, both of the following are true:
- Your symptoms are getting better overall, and
- You have not had a fever (and are not using fever-reducing medication).
When you go back to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, such as taking additional steps for cleaner air, hygiene, masks, physical distancing, and/or testing when you will be around other people indoors. This is especially important to protect people with factors that increase their risk of severe illness from respiratory viruses.
- Keep in mind that you may still be able to spread the virus that made you sick, even if you are feeling better. You are likely to be less contagious at this time, depending on factors like how long you were sick or how sick you were.
If you have questions, feel free to contact Kelley Jewett at
December 16, 2022
Our country, including Minnesota, is currently experiencing high levels of COVID, RSV, and Influenza illnesses and hospitalizations. Local ER waits are 6-8 hours, and patients are being treated in the hallways until there are rooms available. In addition, viral respiratory infections increase people’s risk of developing bacterial pneumonia.
As we all know, guidelines around COVID prevention and quarantine change often and sometimes contradict each other. As a community who cares about the well-being of all, we are committed to continuing our worship and activities in a manner that is scientifically based, easy to understand, and clearly communicated.
To do so, we are implementing a Red, Yellow, and Green System to indicate our instructions for activities and masking. As we have done throughout the pandemic, we will use the latest information from the CDC and MN Dept of Health to guide our decisions.
This is how the system works:
Red: No indoor activities in the building
Yellow: Masks required in the building
Green: Masks optional in the building
The color we are on each week will be sent in the weekly emails, posted in the entries to the church, and listed on our website.
We strive to continue to make our activities and worship services accessible to all and Zoom church is an essential part of that mission. We learned earlier on in the pandemic that the folks on Zoom were not able to hear the pastor if she was masked. Therefore, the pastor will take off their mask to speak into the microphone during the worship service after ensuring that there is no one else within six feet.
We acknowledge that some people do not agree with this policy and that people are tired of wearing masks. There are multiple large-scale studies that show that wearing masks significantly decreases COVID transmission, and it is our responsibility as a community to use the best information we have to make our spaces as safe as possible.
Currently, we are in the Yellow Stage, which means that masks are required at all locations within the building. This is what the signs posted in the building will look like:
December 2, 2022
Beloved community, we have taken great care and worshipped together fully masked for the past two weeks. The Covid cases we knew were in our worshiping community have loosened their hold without further spread. Well, done! And thank you Dr. Kelley for your advice.
We all know that Covid is not our only health threat. There are colds, flus and other illnesses. So, our advisory committee has been in conversation and made a plan for the weeks ahead.
We will return to a masking optional status with the following understanding made clear: Every single one of us must take responsibility for our own impact on the community. If you are ill, please do not expose others. If you see someone masked, please respect their choice and keep your distance.
With all of us remaining vigilant, we hope to be able to be together, singing together, throughout this Christmas season.
Masks will continue to be provided; as always.
Sunday worship will be available online as well.
As we have said, we will journey to the manger. We will kneel and celebrate the birth of Love. Let us do so with deep concern for all who kneel beside us.
Pastors Chris & Isiah
November 25, 2022
Beloved community, we have heard of new COVID cases in our worshiping community during this past week. All of us are hearing warnings in the wider world as well. We are making plans to prioritize safety, so that we can preserve our ability to be together in the church building during the sacred season of Advent and Christmas. After consulting with Dr. Kelley on this ever-changing situation, we are asking that everyone worshiping in the sanctuary this Sunday, November 27, wears a mask at all times, including as we sing together. Masks will continue to be provided; as always, Sunday worship will be available online as well.
We will journey to the manger. We will kneel and celebrate the birth of Hope. Let us do so with deep concern for all who kneel beside us,
Pastors Chris & Isiah
November 19, 2022
Friends, we have had four people in our congregation test positive for COVID in the past week. No one is tremendously ill, but the community has been exposed. It appears this began at last Saturday evening’s community concert, and we are committed to stopping the spread immediately!
In consultation with Dr. Kelley Jewett, we have made a plan, and this is what you need to know about worship tomorrow.
1. Our choir will not be singing as a group during worship this Sunday;
2. We will not have a Children’s Time this week;
3. And, everyone in the sanctuary tomorrow morning will be asked to wear a KN-95 mask throughout the service, whether speaking, singing, or sitting quietly. Kelley will be handing out masks as you enter the sanctuary.
We are hoping this is a bump in the road; however, we know that the cold weather and holiday season will draw us even closer together indoors and challenge our boundaries. We will continue to make safety a priority even as we continue to find ways to have meaningful gatherings combining in person and online access.
We are mightily determined to make it through this. As John Wesley said, “Best of all, God is with us.”
Pastors Chris and Isiah
June 10, 2022
We appreciate Dr. Kelley Jewett, who has consistently advised us as we made decisions about safety precautions during COVID. Based on her advice, the Administrative Council is moving to an updated policy:
-Wearing masks in the church building is optional.
-We ask that everyone remain sensitive and alert to individual preferences as they approach one another. Please keep the distance you are asked to keep, whether in the sanctuary or social situations.
-We continue to offer live virtual worship via Zoom every Sunday.
May 13, 2022
The Administrative Council revisited our COVID policies Tuesday evening, May 9 and decided to proceed according to recommendations provided by Dr. Kelley Jewett, who spoke about the currently rising rate of COVID infections and answered questions about necessary precautions.
It is clear that we are all quite weary of masking when we meet.
However, we choose to continue to observe guidelines. We are an invitational community and are committed to the greatest safety we can offer in the
space we steward.
• We continue to wear masks in the church building.
• We continue to suggest distance between households.
• When sharing beverages and conversation in Community Hall, everyone is asked to observe safety guidelines.
• We continue to offer live virtual worship via Zoom every Sunday.
Updated guidelines will continue to be published there and linked in all church email newsletter.
March 25, 2022
Friends, we are witnessing all manner of behaviors in the world around us about masking – or not – and distancing – or not – as spring arrives and various entities make changes in what is required. Many, if not most, of the places we visit – businesses, stores and entertainment venues – have lifted mask requirements. Yet COVID is present and mutating still! This is an intensely questioning time. What does responsible behavior look like for us? All of us balance the value of being with others with our own and others’ personal safety.
We are a church. Two years of living without the joy of face-to-face has not changed the reason we are together. We are a community that places very high priority on inclusivity, accessibility and the greatest good of friends and strangers alike. We are committed to being a place where anyone who walks through our doors is welcome and safe. Our online option for worship welcomes those who are not able to come to the church building or who choose to worship from a distance, increasing our reach. Our in-person worship maintains that respectful invitation.
We are fortunate to have informed voices among us, including Dr. Kelley Jewett, a physician who is willing to guide us with solid scientific information informed by daily experience and practice. At this time, Kelley advises, “It is too soon to say when we will be able to simply, ‘Open all the windows and take off our masks.’ Only time will tell.”
Friends, we will not lose heart. The distance challenges us mightily and anything that keeps us distanced from each other is hard news to hear. We’ve been singing and praying and “hanging in there” together – while apart – for two long years. There have been extreme challenges, but deep joys as well. We are in this for the long haul – and we can do that! Not because it is easy, but because we are born to be creators and re-creators in the image of God. And Jesus showed us how to walk a long and painful trail that leads toward new life. Spirit knows no geography, no masks, no distancing – we know and care for one another as we go.
We are going… heaven knows where, how, when we will get there… but we know we will. We know within. Woyaya.
Wild blessings, hold on,
Pastor Chris
March 18, 2022
You are invited to the sanctuary for worship!
You are equally invited to worship on Zoom from wherever else you are!
In response to questions and input this past week, the Administrative Council has made an adjustment:
Children 5 and under are welcome to participate in person without being masked.
PPUMC current mask/distancing guidelines:
1) We will continue to wear masks for the time being – for speaking and singing. Masks are not required for children 5 and under.
2) We will continue to maintain distance between households.
3) We ask that if you have an elevated temperature or know you have possibly been exposed to infections recently, you don’t yet enter the building.
Note: The pastor is fully vaxed and removes her mask only while speaking and distanced.
ALSO: After worship there will be beverages and conversation in Community Hall. We’ll wait to share food, and ask all to mask until they are seated at tables with others who are in agreement, before unmasking.
Our goal is to respect each other’s perspectives as we continue on the pandemic journey, and figure things our from many points of view.
If you have questions or concerns, please let us know!
Let’s keep talking!
March 11, 2022
You are invited to the sanctuary for worship this Sunday!
You are equally invited to worship on Zoom from wherever else you are!
Some are excited. Some are anxious. Many are somewhere in between.
There is bound to be a little awkwardness at first.
Our goal is to respect each other’s perspectives as we continue on the pandemic journey, acknowledging we have many intelligent and thoughtful folks who have different ideas about what is “safe.”
The Administrative Council has set some guidelines:
1) We will continue to wear masks for the time being – for speaking and singing.
2) We will continue to maintain distance between households.
3) We ask that if you have an elevated temperature or know you have possibly been exposed to infections recently, you don’t yet enter the building.
Note: Pastor Chris will remove her mask while speaking when distanced at the pulpit; she will mask to sing.
ALSO: After worship there will be beverages and conversation in Community Hall. We’ll wait to share food, and ask all to mask until they are seated at tables with others who are in agreement, before unmasking.
March 6, 2022
In response to the current status of COVID-19 in Hennepin County, we will be evaluating our return to the church building in detail at Tuesday evening’s Administrative Council meeting. With the continuing decline in transmission and hospitalization rates, we’re hopeful of having the sanctuary fully open much earlier than recent Easter projections!
As in past weeks, you may choose to worship from home via Zoom or come to the sanctuary this Sunday. Masks and social distancing will be in use, with Communion being offered without physical contact.
We will share new COVID guidelines next week. And we will still plan an elaborate Easter celebration with Easter fanfare, finery and falderol!
February 11, 2022
We have all heard of the removal of many mask mandates in the past week.
We have also heard that hospitals in the Twin Cities are beyond capacity – as they have been for some time. As a congregation, we want to do everything we can to contribute to community safety. And I am (we are) very hopeful that if we stay the course just through the ice and slushy conditions of the next few weeks, we may well be able to truly encourage face to face (still masked) worship by Easter!
For now, if you have the technology and capacity to do so, we continue to encourage you to choose to worship from home.
Truly wild blessings,
Pastor Chris
February 4, 2022
In response to the current status of COVID-19 in Hennepin county, we continue to encourage you to choose to worship from home for the time being. We are always evaluating and are hopeful that spring will bring openings, so we continue to make the hard choice of diligently observing safety guidelines to prevent the spread of COVID among us.
November 12, 2021
Friends, with the dramatic rise in positive COVID-19 test results across Minnesota over the past several days, the PPUMC leadership team is asking everyone to seriously consider worshiping from home via our Zoom connection for at least the next couple of weeks. This doesn’t mean we’ll be locking the doors of the church on Sunday morning; however, for those few worshiping in person, we will carefully observe precautions, including no congregational singing in the sanctuary. Note: Pastor Chris will unmask at a distance while speaking; music leaders will continue to wear masks.
According to the Minnesota Department of Health, the statewide total for COVID-19 hospitalizations and positive testing is at its highest level so far for 2021, putting the state near the top of the nation in new infection rates. We talk with experts in connection with us, such as our congregational physician, Kelley Jewett, as well as the Minnesota Department of Health, the City of Minneapolis and others for guidance and input.
We continue to navigate this journey together. We take our vulnerability seriously. And we will do all we can to stay strong and resilient throughout. Look for updated information in our Friday Weekend Update and Monday Weekly Calendar emails, as well as the PPUMC website and Facebook page.
PPUMC Leadership Team
August 26, 2021:
In response to rising rates of COVID variants we ask that you observe these rules:
- Whether or not you are vaccinated, please wear a mask inside the building that completely covers mouths and noses.
- Maintain social-distancing of six feet from others outside your own household.
- Please do not enter the building if you have an elevated temperature, or have been exposed to someone with an elevated temperature over the past several days.
August 19, 2021:
Greetings, Friends,
COVID is yet present among us and we are again on alert. Changes are frequent enough that we want to be clear about the present COVID response policies for worship at PPUMC.
We also publish the current policies:
in the Friday Weekend Update every week,
the Monday Calendar Update weekly,
on the PPUMC website anytime,
and in the Prospectus newsletter monthly.
We want you to know what to expect so you can manage your own risk tolerance as you choose to worship from home or on-site.
UPDATE for Sunday August 22 and 29:
Based on recommendations from the CDC, Dr. Kelley Jewett, and the latest guidelines from the MN United Methodist Conference:
- Masks are required for everyone in the church building.
- Everyone observes social distancing of at least six-feet from other households.
- People in the pews are asked to hum or listen rather than singing hymns.
- Worship leaders will be singing at a safe distance, masked.
- Pastor Chris is testing for COVID every Saturday and will unmask at a distance while speaking (as long as she remains COVID-free).
- We will refrain from a hosted in-person hospitality time.
As challenging as this news can be, we are telling you what to expect so that you can make wise choices for your household. Thank you for your understanding and patience. Together we are creating community as possible, while also choosing practices intended to keep everyone safe and healthy.
In Care and Peace,
Ann, Cathy, Steve, Pastor Chris
August 1, 2021:

Inside the church building:
-Wear a mask that covers both mouth and nose – whether vaccinated or not.
-Keep a distance of six feet from others outside your household/s.
-Please bring a mask with you or wear one we provide.
Thank you for your understanding, patience and compassionate response as we all continue to deal with the on-going effects of the COVID pandemic.]
July 9, 2021:
Worship services will continue to be held in-person AND on Zoom at 10am every Sunday.
The elevator is back in service.
Simple hospitality will be in the Chapel 9:30-10am.
We are worshipping and singing together unmasked, trusting that those who are particularly at risk or who are not yet fully vaccinated will wear a mask. There are masks onsite if needed and space to distance if desired.
Worship information and Zoom login can be found here:
July 2, 2021:
For the first time in a long time….
You are invited to worship IN-PERSON at 10am Sunday, July 4, 2021!
Or join by Zoom!
Simple hospitality will be in the Chapel 9:30-10am.
Please note the elevator is temporarily out of service. A part is on order. Please use the ramp entrance for sanctuary and Chapel accessibility if needed.

May 20, 2021:
Earlier this month, the PPUMC Administrative Council updated their strategy for emerging from COVID-19 restrictions. Since the beginning of the pandemic, PPUMC has had one primary goal in mind: keeping everyone SAFE, and during the past year we have come to deeply value the opportunity to be in community beyond the walls of the building as well.
Here is an overview of the most recent plan:
Small Groups
Small groups are welcome meet in the church beginning in June as scheduled. The church Administrative Assistant will work with requesting groups and organizations to schedule all building use; guidelines will be provided and each group will be asked to observe the most recent safety information shared by the Minnesota governor’s office at the time of the meeting. We encourage PPUMC sponsored groups to utilize the internet capacities of the building to include Zoom whenever possible.
Large Groups
Large groups will not be meeting in the church over the summer months; however, on-going conversations will be held discussing all possible options for the fall as conditions and recommendations allow.
Sunday Worship Services
The church community is moving back to worshiping together deliberately and in a step-by-step plan. This makes it possible for us to come back into the sanctuary as safely as possible and, at the same time, provide live worship in both the sanctuary and, as we have been doing, over Zoom. The plan is to start on a small scale so that the system can have time to develop with full oversight and response from the worship planning team and minimizing any disruptions during the worship experience.
The current plan for June is to have a small group of “Worship Testers” in the sanctuary for each Sunday service during the month. Each Tester will provide feedback on their experience by filling out a questionnaire after/during worship.
A sign-up process for interested ‘testers’ has been designed and is available at the link below. Each week a small group – not to exceed a total of 10 people – will be invited to worship in the sanctuary. We are asking one Sunday sign-up per Tester until everyone has had a first chance.
Finally, an additional greeter/usher who has previously been a ‘tester’ will be on-site to welcome new ‘testers’ into worship.
We are anticipating this process will unfold in a positive, respectful way for all. The month of June will show us how to do July, so that we are ready to welcome larger groups of people into the space while keeping our Zoom connection and maintaining community.