announcement (Page 3)

Advent & Christmas Schedule

All services are Sunday mornings at 10am, except for Christmas Eve. First Sunday of Advent, December 1: Hanging the Greens & Communion. Advent arrives while our Thanksgiving dinner is practically still on our tongues! What to do? Begin slowly and together. And keep it simple.  Second Sunday of Advent, December 8: Mysteries & Miracles. So many Christmas legends, so little time! Recalling the beautiful and bizarre remnants of Christmas long past.  Third Sunday of Advent, December 15: PoP-uP Christmas Pageant.…

Easter Schedule

It’s almost Easter! You are invited to share any or all of these services and activities. EVERYONE is welcome!! Maundy Thursday Service: Thursday, April 18, 7 pm in the PPUMC sanctuary. & Good Friday Service: Friday, April 19, 7 pm in the PPUMC sanctuary. Hosted by the women priests of Compassion of Christ Catholic Communities EASTER EGG PARTY! Saturday, April 20, 9:30—11:00 a.m. in PPUMC’s Community Hall. Fun and games; dying eggs; an Easter Egg hunt and more. For children…

PPUMC will stage A Year with Frog & Toad this spring! Announcing Auditions.

ANNOUNCING AUDITIONS for a spring production of the Tony winning musical, A Year With Frog & Toad. This delightful musical skips and hops through four seasons with a pair of unlikely amphibian friends in their natural habitat – a neighborhood filled with friends! Based on the children’s books by Arnold Lobel this will be an eclectic production for all ages. A desire for fun is the principle pre-requisite! Six performances, May 10-18. Prospect Park UMC. Click here for more information, to sign up,…

Rally Sunday is September 9!

Welcome friends old and new to the start of a fresh season of church! 9:30-10 am Gather for Coffee & Conversation + a Fair Trade Sale 9:30 am: Kids in grades 8-12th are invited to Cook in the Kitchen with Liz Richards 10:15 am: Kids in grades K-7th are invited to Cook in the Kitchen with Liz Richards 10-11 am Worship 11-11:30 Opportunity Fair 11:30 am All Church Lunch

Christmas Gatherings at PPUMC

Come celebrate the Christmas season at PPUMC! Whether it’s magical, larger than life puppets, singing carols and drinking cocoa, or singing “Silent Night” in candlelight, there are many ways to celebrate this glorious time of the year. Starting with… This Sunday, December 18th is our Multigenerational Christmas Pageant!    Coffee & treats before (9:30) and after (11:00) – with a visit from Saint Nick! The stars tell the story of the birth of Jesus! Children, youth and adults together have created…